sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Bill Randle the first disc jockey outside the South to play Elvis records


Bill Randle was a Cleveland disc jockey, on radio station WERE. He was the first disc jockey outside the South to play Elvis records on a regular basis, beginning in late 1954. Randle had a Saturday morning show on CBS in New York City and commuted from Cleveland once a week. In the fall of 1954, Randle was approached by Arnold Shaw, general professional manager of the Edward B. Marks Music Corp. who asked Randle to play some Elvis records on his CBS radio program. Randle thought that Elvis was a bit much for the New York audience, but he did start playing the records on WERE. The audience response was phenomenal. This was one of the major factors in getting Elvis nationwide exposure.
  Randle also introduced Elvis on Elvis's first appearance on TV's Stage Show, on January 28, 1956,_._,___

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